英雄联盟手游代练价格表(League of Legends Mobile Boosting Service Prices)


League of Legends Mobile Boosting Service Prices


League of Legends Mobile, the highly anticipated mobile version of the popular PC game, has finally been released globally. As the game gains popularity, players are looking for ways to improve their game and rank up faster. One popular solution is to hire a professional boost service to help them climb the ranks.


League of Legends Mobile boosting services offer a variety of packages at different price points. The price of a boost depends on several factors including the player's current rank, the desired rank, and the amount of time required to complete the boost.

On average, the cost of a boost ranges from $10 to $30 per division in ranked play. For example, if a player is in Bronze II and wants to reach Silver II, it will cost around $40 to $120 to boost the account. Prices also vary depending on the type of boost such as solo queue, duo queue, or wins boosting.

Factors Affecting Prices

Several factors affect the cost of a League of Legends Mobile boost. Firstly, the current rank of the account is an important factor. Boosting services charge more for accounts that are in lower ranks as they require more time and effort to boost. The desired rank also affects the price, with higher ranks costing more to achieve.

The time required to complete a boost also affects the cost. Boosting services charge more for faster boosts as they require more resources. For example, a boost that takes three days may be more expensive than one that takes seven days.

The type of boost required also affects the price. Solo queue boosting is typically the most expensive, as the booster has to play on the player's account with no assistance. Duo queue boosting can be less expensive as the player can assist the booster by playing alongside them. Wins boosting is usually the cheapest option as the booster simply needs to win a specified number of games to complete the boost.


League of Legends Mobile boosting services are a popular option for players who want to rank up quickly. Prices for these services vary depending on several factors such as the current rank, desired rank, time required, and type of boost. Players should consider their options carefully and choose a boosting service that fits their needs and budget.